SEO [ Search Engine Optimization ]
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of aligning website code and content with strategic keyword phrase targeting, the search engines understanding a websites key phrase focus and pushing these phrases higher in the search engine results. More specifically, Search optimization is designed to get a website listed in the organic, or natural search results area of the SERPs, rather than in the sponsored results of the search engines. SEO plays a major part in the online growth of your business and also helps to increase the quality and quantity of their search engine traffic. As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. SEO is not instant. It requires intense website code, content, navigation and internal linking changes as the search engines don't like spam. You cannot do too many things at once. Our SEO services have proven to significantly optimize and increase organic search engine rankings.
The most obvious benefit of SEO is traffic. Without traffic, you don't have anybody visiting your site to turn into buyers. Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to create targeted traffic for your website. There is countless number of ways to generate traffic, but often times the visitors are not targeted, and thus end up viewing your site but not converting to customers. It's important to create targeted traffic for your site.
Current Traffic Analysis Report
- Major search engines include Google, Yahoo, MSN
- Analysis of your web server log files to determine where past and current traffic is coming from
- More than 1000 directory submissions
- Free Google ads for competitive keywords(PPC)
- Real time visitor tracking
- Web master report with keyword analysis
- Report will show what pages of your website are currently indexed in these major search engines

Our Features

First Page Ranking Guaranteed.
We are confident in our SEO skills that help your website to perform in search engines. If we don't get at least 50% of your targeted keywords in Top 10 rankings in GOOGLE within set months, we will work for FREE until you get results. We are following google guide lines strictly that give you gurantee that your site will not reach in black list of google.

Current Traffic Analysis Report
A detailed report of how your site currently ranks in the major search engines, and analysis of where your current traffic is coming from, will provide us with a base line. With this base line, we'll be able to view tangible results that implementing an SEO campaign can bring over time.

Keyword Research.
Optimizing your website for the major search engines must include keyword research.Each page needs to be optimized for a particular keyword or keyword phrase, so that people searching on those phrases will see your site ranked high in the search engines. In order to properly optimize your site, we need to identify what the best keywords would be for every page of your website.

Adwords Credit & SMO
We will offer you google adwords credit worth Inr 1000/per month for promoting your website. Also we will create the pages for Facebook, Google plus, Twitter & Other social media sites